Announcing Story Church London!
We are thrilled to announce our new plant in London! Story Church London is a new church in Central London. We meet near Paddington Station and have a heart for all nations to know the love of Jesus. We love seeing Jesus redeem people’s stories! Thank you for praying for us on this journey!
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We had the honor of announcing Story Church London at the Commission Festival 2024 with believers in Commission churches from around the globe. What a difference a year has made. Praise God for all the friendships and relationships along the way. Laura said it well, “When I was under the big red tent last year, I was 8 months pregnant with our son Jack anticipating his arrival and this year we are moving forward with anticipation of God giving life to Story Church London!” Follow us on Instagram:@story_church_london Please join us in prayer for: 1. Our Core Team - that God would bring together the right people for this moment as we sow seeds of prayer in the Paddington area. We even believe that some at the festival may even be some of those who may join us! :) 2. Our Family - we are looking for a home near where we will be meeting. Please pray for local impact and relationships, Lucy's new school, and long term relationships. We want this church to be a family on mission. 3. Pray for our new missional communities launching and for leaders as they commit to serve the Lord where God has placed them. Pray for their impact as communities and their growth in the gospel. 4. Pray that we would be a church that makes disciples for the glory of Jesus name - that we would be a church that pursues the Great Commission to make disciples that make disciples of the nations! We are believing God will send church planters and missionaries from London! Thank you to everyone who has given to us personally and as a church! As a family and a ministry we are so incredibly grateful for every contribution to this gospel work. Would you be willing to partner with us to plant Story Church London? If you would like to designate a gift, one-time or monthly, please indicate so through our New International giving page below. Thank you for partnering with us in the gospel! |
We are thrilled for all that God is doing and has in store! He has taken care of our family and ministry each and every step of this journey. In the coming weeks we are excited to share about upcoming missional trainings, partners God is opening doors with to reach the Arabic speaking community, a timeline of planting, and other exciting news about all God is doing! Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement! To God be the glory! Love, The Watsons