THANK YOU! One year ago we moved our family by faith to plant a new church and train leaders in London. A new baby boy, new church, new country, new home, new job, many new friends, and new opportunities for the gospel. We thank God for all that for all that He has done!
Thank you to everyone who has walked with us on this journey. Landing in London has been more than we could have imagined. Laura and I praise God for all the new in this season.
We are so grateful to be welcomed by friends across London into the mission of God here! Especially being welcomed by Commission Global and our new church home at Westminster Chapel. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us in this season. We are so thankful for the way we were sent. We could not have written this story, only God could have put all of these Kingdom connections together in His perfect time and for His glory.

We are celebrating:
12 salvations
7 new church partnerships
24 churches mobilized
140 students taught
5 new masters students
Dozens of new friends and ministry partners
1 new church plant launching (Exciting news coming!)
We look forward to sharing more about the church plant, training, and the all that God is continuing to do!
With love from London,
The Watsons