One of the greatest gifts you can give in the Kingdom of God is the invitation to others to join you into the mission of God.
I am so thankful for Guy and Heather Miller and the Commission Global UK team for inviting us into serving side by side. I was truly humbled to share my testimony at a prayer and fasting event for the pastors of Commission Global UK.
It is all Grace. Sharing your story by grace. Jesus covers the good, the bad and the ugly. We overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Taking time to listen to someone’s testimony in Christ is a gift. This moment was part of me feeling known, loved and seen by so many new friends within the family of Commission. Grateful.
Commission’s vision is, “A vision to see thousands of lives transformed, through hundreds of churches, in tens of nations.” However, it is really a big church family. A relational movement of the gospel. We are thrilled to plant out of Commission and send to the nations. Excited for what God has in store.
Pray for servant hearted co-laborers, missionaries, leaders, business people, pastors, families and others for Jesus to reach the UK and the nations.
As we continue to pray, network, partner for planting and sending join us. Big things to pray for in London and the UK:
- To remove aloneness. London was voted the loneliest city in the English speaking world.
- Pray for the nations here from all over the world to hear the gospel and then share with their families.
- Core team and partners in the gospel.
- For unity amongst church leaders, pastors, denominations, and generations.
- For revitalizing churches and raising up the next generation.
- For the prodigals to come home. Recently I heard over 70% of Christians who grew up in Christian homes in the UK leave the faith by 35.
Thank you for continuing to pray with us and partner with us to proclaim the gospel in London and send from the nations to the nations.
@newinternational_org #london #uk #allnations #kingdomofgod #togodbetheglory #grace